Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our Year

So I have seen some people do this and thought it would be fun to do. Here is our year in review.

Something silly- I lived in a tent trailer for over a month, while in my first few months of pregnancy, morning sickness and all. Those days were fabulous, especially since it was during the sweltering days of August.

Something Sad- Nothing to sad has happened, cross our fingers, knock on wood and do whatever else I can to keep it that way. The closest thing to sad news for us was when we started looking into buying a house and found out our credit wasn' quite where needed to be with the way the market has changed they have tightened down on where your credit score needs to be and how much money you have to put down.

Something New- Robb and I got a job together as group home parents. We are officially paid to take care of 6 girls that have had more than their fair share of struggles in their lives. It is completely different than what Robb is used to, going from Computers so Social Work is a huge leap. Positives_ We get to have the same days off, we are together a whole lot more than we used to, I get to cook home made meals a whole lot more, we have free room and board and food and anything we do with the girls i.e. movies, meals out etc. are all paid for us. We are finally starting to get out of debt. We save on a ton of gas cause we work where we live. We have been able to spend more time with Robb's kids and will get to take advantage of every visit possible to spend with them. We will get to be stay at home parents for Ruth. Cons_ I sometimes want to strangle my husband cause we are around each other so much. We work twice as much as other people. I don't ever get away from my job, since it is my home. I don't have my own kitchen :(

Something we have had to deal with_ We have been fighting for over a year now with people trying trying to prove that Ethan is not ADHD. We finally had a break through a few months ago when he continued to struggle in school, including getting expeld from school on several occasions within a month. When it finally came clear that ADHD is not the problem. They took him to a specialist that Robb and I actually liked and he got diagnosed with Mood Disorder NOS. And now he is on completely different medication and just a much happier kid overall. He actually acts like a 6 year old boy, and not a maniac.
We also found out baby Ruth only has two vessels in her embelical cord instead of three, which means she isn't getting as mush nutrition as babies normally get. It is supposedly fairly common but they take extra precaution to make sure that everything is ok, so starting next week we have to go in for weekly tests to make sure her lungs, heart and other major organs are developed and are developing correctly.

Something Fun- We got to take the kids to Disneyworld, thanks in large part to my parents who paid for room and board and most of the food while we were there. We just had to pay for flights and tickets into the parks. It was an amazing experience and for the kids it was a lot of first, first airplane rides, first time at the beach, first disney experience. So for them it was so fun to be with them for all of it. We also got to go with all of the rest of my family which was fun, especially since my brothers kids don't get to spend a whole lot of time with us due to living out of state.

Something different- If you don't know by now :) We are having a baby in February. This is totally going to change our lives forever. It is so weird to think about and even more weird now that I can feel her wiggling around inside of me. Not only that but we are going to go from only being responsible for two kids a third of the time and working with kids most of the time to having one that we are completely responsible for 100 % of the time. CRAZY!!

Something Old- We continue to make sure we celebrate valentine's day and our anniversary, and this year we took some time off and went up and spent some money to go to the Anniversary Inn. We are planning on making sure we continue to put our relationship as a top priority, and we are doing even more of that since we are able to take time off together and have the same days off.

That is about it for this year in a nut shell. There is so much more I know but these are just a few of the highlights.

Happy New Year and good luck to everyone in the coming year.

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